hCG = 786
Progesterone = 17.9
= 1802
Once again, my levels have increased. The clinic nurse was a little more optimistic this time as my levels have doubled nicely every 24 hours. I was warned once again, to head to the hospital should I start experiencing any pain but so far the only pain I’ve had are achy hips. I get the odd cramp but it disappears after an hour or so.
Once again, my levels have increased. The clinic nurse was a little more optimistic this time as my levels have doubled nicely every 24 hours. I was warned once again, to head to the hospital should I start experiencing any pain but so far the only pain I’ve had are achy hips. I get the odd cramp but it disappears after an hour or so.
happy dance continues ….. until ……
called about an hour after nurse and started preparing me for the worse. I
couldn’t believe it. FS basically tells me the chances of this turning into a
successful preg are slim to none. I was told to start preparing for a bad
outcome and we can try again after a month of resting.
my levels reach 2,000, she’ll administer the MTX injection.
What????? My levels are increasing nicely and FS wants
to abort the pregnancy before it’s even had a solid chance of survival.
feeling pretty devastated.
I got home, I started googling and researching for other women who have been in
my position – there are loads of bad stories and loads of good stories.
So I
figure I’ll keep praying for our miracle – miracles do happen.
ain’t over yet.