Monday, 25 June 2012

CD35 / 19DPO / 14DPT of ICSI #4

It's Monday and time for 2nd round of beta results: 

hCG = 102
Prog = 9.5

Instead of dropping, my levels have increased. I secretly want to do a happy dance and be happy, however nurse told me to suspect an ectopic preg. Apparently such low levels that increase can result in an ectopic.

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not again.  

I cannot and WILL not go through an ectopic again. My bleeding has now stopped completely - was it an early miscarriage? Or can I still be hopeful? Loads of women have bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy.

So I've now been told to head to the hospital should I experience any sudden abdominal pain. If I don't visit hospital between now and Thursday, I need to head back to the clinic for a 3rd round of betas. 

I'm secretly praying and hoping this is a late implanter and my levels have tripled by Thursday :)

Poor DH, doesn't know what to think. So I'll continue to pray and have faith that my little miracle is trying really hard to implant and send the next 9 months in my womb.

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