Saturday, 1 December 2012

CD40 / 19DPO - Hot in the city

Updated to include today's beta hCG results! 

CD40 / 19DPO
15DPO = 49
17DPO = 90
Today's level at 19DPO  = 190!!!

Man, is it hot in Sydney today. It's 4.42pm and it's still 34 degrees. Lucky for me (and Sonny) our house stays quite cool so the heat has been bearable.

I had my third beta hCG blood test this morning ..... but I won't know the results until Monday morning. My anxiety kicked in when I realised that. My first thought was to go to the GP and order an urgent blood test so i'd know the results today. Sounds crazy, but the thought did cross my mind.

Today is all about resting. Minimal housework (sorry hubby!) and just chilaxing with my puppy dog. The pain on my left side is still there. I did notice the pain wasn't as bad last night and it's certainly ok today (probably because I haven't moved from the couch much).

I was tempted to tell my mum about the pregnancy during our phone call today but decided against it. Mum is still mourning the loss of her own mother who died on Wednesday and I don't want to add to her stress.

My mum has always been my cheering squad with every attempt we've made to create our own tribe of little people. But I don't want to worry her until I know for sure whether this bub is sticking around or growing wings.

5w4d today - Bub, you just need to hang in there for another 35 weeks please. Love, your Mama xx


Anonymous said...

I'm stalking the stork that's stalking the stirk!! I've got everything crossed for you babe. Naomi/Puddycat

Anonymous said...

Been sending you positive vibes all weekend and I'll be looking out for news today. C'mon you strong little bubba, hang in there!! Xox Kel xox