Seven days & nights of endless tears, constant heartache and an empty womb. It's not just my womb that feels empty, my whole spirit is empty.
adjective, emp·ti·er, emp·ti·est, verb, emp·tied, emp·ty·ing, noun, plural emp·ties.
containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropriate contents: an empty bottle.
vacant; unoccupied: an empty house.
without cargo or load: an empty wagon.
destitute of people or human activity: We walked along the empty streets of the city at night.
destitute of some quality or qualities; devoid (usually followed by of ): Theirs is a life now empty of happiness.
The baby clothes are empty.
The baby bottles are empty.
Our house is empty.
Our car is empty.
Our interaction is empty.
And our life certainly feels empty. There is no happiness here anymore.
My heart is breaking for you. Give it time, you will smile again, be happy again, and maybe even hope again. Your beautiful spirit will heal. Lots of love, Cat xx
I am thinking of you. Please know you are not alone. Nadia From EB
Sending a Big Hug. Allow yourself to be sad & grieve. Do what gets you through. Thinking of you.
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