Wednesday, 28 November 2012

CD37 / 16DPO - The bittersweet BFP

Guess what?


I woke up yesterday and my temp was still high so I thought 'what the hell' and took a pregnancy test. I left it on the bathroom counter and jumped in the shower. Low and behold, I stepped out of the shower to find 2 beautiful pink lines on the pregnancy test.

I may have squealed with sweet delight. Sheer happiness washed over me and I screamed, gasped and laughed so hard. Maybe it was finally happening! Our dog Sonny was the first to hear the news - he's gonna be a big brother.

My GP shattered my happy news with seconds of me sitting down in his office. I was told to go straight to hospital.

But 'Why' I asked?

"Because you have a history of ectopic pregnancies and this pregnancy has a 50% chance of being ectopic", he said.

So off to hospital I went. Bloods were drawn and my hCG came back at only 49 (15DPO). Quite low. Hmmm. I had a good cry and pulled it together. (I was by myself because DH had an important job on and I didn't want to worry him). The Dr then sent me for a scan and the sonographer found a small mass on my left ovary. I was told it could be an ectopic but it was too early to tell OR it could be a corpus luteum.

The hospital wants me back tomorrow for a repeat blood test and to meet the EPAS clinic nurse so we can put a plan in place.

In other sad news .... must be a week for it ...... my poor grandmother passed away this morning. RIP Grandma. I'm feeling overly emotional and just want some good news now ..... enough with the bad news.


Anonymous said...

Everything I have is crossed for you. Saw this quote and thought of you: New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings - Lao Tzu.
I certainly hope with all my being that this is your new beginning.
Sending you some love on what must be a terribly emotional day. Kelxox

Stalking a Stork said...

Thank you honey for the lovely quote and lovely words xx