Tuesday, 8 January 2013


In my baby's absence,
Life hands upon me, and becomes a burden,
I am ten times undone, while hope, and fear,
And grief, and rage and love rise up at once,
And with a variety of pain to distract me.


Jules said...

Thinking of you. xo

Anonymous said...

Oh babe. I've been thinking of you daily. Massive hugs. Naomi xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Brooke, I am another random that has followed your story from the eb forums as we also had to deal with mfi.
I just wanted to say that I really feel for you and I can't fathom the obstacles that you have had to tackle particularly over the last year and especially the last few months, your blog has brought me to tears. .
I can only suggest that you get in touch with Deb de Wilde she is fantastic to talk to as she really understands what you are going through . I am not sure however how to get in touch as it was my ob that got her to call me. If you google deb de Wilde or Deborah de Wilde you will see a few things come up maybe your gp/fertility specialist/ob can help to track her down? Stay strong and look after yourself

Emma - EmmyLou86 said...

Thinking of you.